Posts Tagged ‘environments’

Me. Just refocused.

March 2, 2010

Day 1 of “Elle’s Literate Week!” has been a semi-failure. I have not read 3 news articles (nor do I intend to), have not started The Me I Want To Be (no chance of that, either), but I have listened to Have a Little Faith in my car (that’s only because I was too lazy to switch over to the radio). I was up at 8:00 this morning, but had little luck with arriving 10 minutes early everywhere I went. I was 5 minutes early to work, just on time to dinner, and late to coffee with a friend afterwards. I’ve lost a bit of my gusto for my self-improvement project. I think this calls for a little vision casting!

When I think about Improved Elle, I think of her in increments. First, there’s next week’s Improved Elle – more literate and more timely. Then there’s next month’s Improved Elle, Improved Elle 3 months from now, etc. Tonight, I want to talk about the latter.

3 months from now, I want to be more organized – live a little less cluttered day to day. That’s where the time management comes in. I want to have more time to do things like read, which is where time management and my literacy endeavor come together. And I want to live in a space that encourages growth, not hinders it. Currently, my personal space reflects my life: controlled chaos. Piles have overtaken my furniture and floor, and while they’re organized piles, they’re clutter and mess. The same is true of my car. I think I saw a pop tart flying around the passenger’s side this morning. Those pop tarts are so tricksy…

So, 3 months from now, I want to have created environments conducive to self-improvement efforts. And I want those environments to encourage me to give my best. How’s that for a little vision casting? I feel better already! And in the spirit of my “no more tomorrow” commitment, I will go read three news articles. Booyah!