Posts Tagged ‘girl shoes’

Me. Just random.

March 9, 2010

Today has to be categorized as a “Bad Day”, but I don’t care. I had a very nice day, even if I only accomplished half of my goals. Some days are just meant to be pleasant, especially when it’s such a lovely spring day. I feel like I’m in Bambi when the snow melts and those flowers magically pop out of the ground. There were even horses running around in a field across the street from my new job. How charming!

Here are the top three reasons why I love my new job (in a very particular order):

1. I get to wear girl shoes.

2. No one throws up on me.

3. If someone does throw up on me, I’m pretty sure I get to go home.

And even if I didn’t get any Spanish homework done today, I did get two lessons mailed out. That’s worth celebrating (and a shout out to Kimberly for helping me do it!). I wish with all of my heart that house elves were real. Nothing could please me more than to come home to find that I do, indeed, have a floor and that it is carpeted. I think it’s brown. I can’t remember…it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. This is the most random post ever. Not very focused tonight, friends. I need to trim my nails.